- Tans dans -2011
'Installation made especially for the festival Twee Turven Hoog. Mondriaan-on-wheels' meets age-old chinese puzzle...
About creation and decay, order and chaos and how everything is interconnected.
click here for the site of 2 Turven Hoog
-Wil ik ook! theatredays NSDSK- 2010
Installation made especially for deaf kids and kids with disfunctional hearing. It became a soundinstallation...inspired by the work of the deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie: hearing happens through all the senses!
In commission for Stichting 2+ Producties.
-Tussenruimte- 2010
Installation of rotating panels which are placed in a grid.
By turning them everchanging rooms occur.
Part of the panels is covered with mirrors thus projecting virtual spaces. The mirrors carry the wishes of the kids that live in the neighbourhood.E
In commission for 'Kunstbedrijf Arnhem'.
click here for the site of Tussenruimte
-Satellite city- 2010
Workshop for secundary school: by using diagrams every student builts his own 'dwelling' with a mirroring roof.
All dwellings are gathered in a mirroring city.
In commission for 'Kunst in de aula'.
-Framework- 2008
Workshop for secundary schools: students fabricate conical architectural elements which cause optical effects.They are placed in a grid of reinforcing steel.
In commission for 'Kunst in de aula'.